Travel to Mahabaleshwar & Panchgani
Mahabaleshwar is very scenic and beautiful hill station which offer a lot for tourists and nature lovers. There are lot of points (View points at the tip of hills), Strawberry Plantations, which export majority of strawberries. There are two major companies like Mapro and Mala’s. Deep valleys and Mahabaleshwar temple and Panchaganga temple, where five rivers unite and flow through mouth of a cow which later transforms into River Krishna.

Elephant Point
There are many view points to visit. but few points are awsome. Elephant Head Point is excellent view points. You should visit this point in early morning. it will be awsome. Other points like Kates Point, Arthur’s Seat Point, Monkey Point etc are good.
Mahabaleshwar have taxis with approved sightseeing tariffs. Better to choose among them and take taxi and go. All hotels will have tie ups with travel companies. Other important location is Panchgani. Small town located between five table land hills, so called panchgani, famous for table lands. Second largest plateau in Asia.

Pratapgarh Fort
Another important place is Fort Pratapgarh where Afzal khan who was a medieval Indian commander who served the Adil Shahi dynasty of Bijapur, and fought against Shivaji. He was killed at a meeting with Shivaji and his army was defeated in the Battle of Pratapgarh.
Mahabaleshwar is famous for the nuts, chikkies and strawberries. Strawberry and cream is a speciality of Mahabaleshwar and you could try it near thr Venna lake. You could also visit the local fair along with it and try out horse riding around the lake.
So Mahablaeshwar is a must visit place for who like to go for honeymoon, people who are nature lovers.